This is a common error which you will see while working with ECMAScript Object Model of SharePoint 2010. There could be multiple reasons behind this issue as discussed below:
Cause 1:
Error occurs when you try to access properties of an object which has not been initialized.
Let's understand it through an example (excluding script start and end tags).
var currentUser;
var uLogin;
var uTitle;
var ctx;
function LoadUserDetails() {
//Get Context
ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
//Get logged in user
currentUser = ctx.get_web().get_currentUser();
ctx.executeQueryAsync(queryTrackerList, failure);
function AccessUserDetails() {
//Get user login name
uLogin = currentUser.get_loginName();
//Get User title
uTitle = currentUser.get_title();
alert('Current user login name : ' + uLogin);
alert('Current user display name : ' + uTitle);
Here, I am displaying current logged user details : Login Name and Display Name.
currentUser = ctx.get_web().get_currentUser();
Above code line returns an SP.User object which is uninitialized (does not contain any property value) until a call to executeQueryAsync method.
So if we call user object properties (get_loginName and get_title) in first method ' LoadUserDetails ', it will return us an error i.e. "The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested ...".
Alway access object properties only after it has been initialized. As, accessing SP.User properties in second method ' AccessUserDetails' will work without any problem as executeQueryAsync method has been called so object has been initialized and contains properties values.
Cause 2:
Let's say you have more than one functionalities on the same page which are interacting with SharePoint list/s to read/update/delete items.
JS file1:
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function(){func1();}, "sp.js");
function func1()
//Doing something...
JS file2:
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function(){func2();}, "sp.js");
function func2()
//Doing something...
As you can see, on page load two different functions are executing which are calling "ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded" function. This would also result in the same error.
Solution :
If possible, try to do both functionalities with single JS file as given below...
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function(){func1();}, "sp.js");
function func1()
//Doing something...
ctx.executeQueryAsync(func2, func2); //func2 will be called on success or failure both
I'm lucky. I get this error after calling executeQueryAsync, and simply retrieving a listiterator of a requested collection.
ReplyDeleteI don't see how I can do this after initializing, since it's already initialized...
I got same problem
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